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Organic CBD oil and Fibromyalgia/
What's the Truth?

You are probably a lot like me. You don't like exaggerated claims about anything. I feel the same about CBD. 

One thing I say over and again is that there's not one silver bullet. We have to be using the right approach while working on our individual root causes. 

But you likely also hear me say that getting to the very bottom of some of those root causes may not happen in many of our lifetimes.

So while we are working on those "roots" , we need to use the least invasive approach to pain relief. 

If we have fibromyalgia, we likely have multiple inflammation factors, muscle or joint pain, multiple trigger points areas, tender points, nerve pain, propensity to migraine headaches, insomnia, overactive nerves, and more. 

The pain relief that one person receives from a particular remedy can be very different from the next.

I like to say there are many variables in fibromyalgia, because there truly are, but if a non invasive remedy that also feeds our cannabinoid system can ease some of the pain and tension, then I think it is worth it. 

Organic CBD oil and Fibromyalgia 

Over the past ten years, I have tried as many different brands of CBD that I could
get my hands on.

If you follow in the facebook live interactives, you have likely seen me talk about CBD and what it can and cannot do. 

I also tried many before staying with organic SUNSOIL. 

Some brands were great, but the price point was too high in comparison. Others had variances in how much they would actually help with pain and tension. 

About 5-6 years ago, I came across the Sunsoil brand and there was
something different here.

I wanted an ORGANIC CBD oil, but at a price point that would satisfy
all of us as well.

I cannot tell you how important it was for me to wait ......... and wait some more .... to be sure that I could truly stand behind a CBD oil without just jumping on the bandwagon or a multi level, I just didn't care for that. 

I kept coming back to Sunsoil CBD oils

For the sake of research, I tried MANY CBD oils. I kept coming back to Sunsoil, and I'm glad I did. This company does things the RIGHT way. 

I have partnered with Sunsoil to give you a chance to try an organic CBD oil at the most cost-effective price point. 

I love their variety of oil tinctures, capsules, and sprays for oral use. I have been using the spray and it is very easy to use, just a few sprays right under the tongue. NO harsh taste like some CBD oils (I know, I have MCS) In our house, my husband loves cinnamon flavored CBD, and I like chocolate mint flavor. 

As you will see below, they are also giving our followers an additional 20% off on the first order by using code FIBRO20. (Click on this banner with the purple header, the active link) US shipping .

Side effects of CBD oil 

The good thing is that there are rarely any negative side effects reported with the use of quality CBD oils (unlike some with THC)

In a Medscape article dated 12/5/19, on the use of medical cannabis, treatment had "significant favorable effect on patients with fibromyalgia, with few adverse side effects"  

The goal is to experience positive side effects like less pain and tension.

Remember that we are feeding our endocannabinoid system at the same time, so even when you may not "feel" something working, it is likely working on things you may not feel in the moment, like systemic inflammation. 

If you would like to include Sunsoil as one part of your treatment plan as I do, just click on the Sunsoil ad above with the purple header, and use our code FIBRO20 to get 20% of your first order. 

Dosing CBD oil with fibromyalgia

The dosage of CBD oil is going to be individual, however I will share what I do because I also live with CFS/ME. I generally take 20-30 mg per dose, even though I don't always take it every day. 

If you are someone who tends to get tired with CBD, then you want to take it in the second half of the day, but I think you will find with Sunsoil that it will relax you without making you fall asleep during the day. 

By the way, Sunsoil has recently expanded their line of products. The banner above in this article takes you directly to their site, which also has some
AMAZING, easy to read articles. 

CBD, it's not just for Fibromyalgia

Many of us live with other conditions on top of Fibromyalgia.

But many of these, including fibro, tend to have inflammatory factors, so adding in a quality organic CBD oil makes good sense. 

At the same time, I understand that CBD may not be right for everyone, and that is why as always, I never say "all or nothing"

Do what is right for you. I'm here for support, choices, and empower you to
create a life worth living. 

I'm just glad you are here because the direction we are going matters most. Avoid negativity and naysayers. Avoid gaslighting and constant symptom talk, and that is step one to taking a better and more empowered direction.

<3 Lisa (practitioner, trainer, fellow fibro) 

Fibromyalgia and Organic CBD oils > HOME > Fibromyalgia Symptoms List

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