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How does Fibromyalgia affect elbow pain?

Although a person can have pain just about anywhere with fibromyalgia, there are some areas that are more specific to fibromyalgia itself.

Some areas are just more vulnerable due to the proximity of tender points. This includes the neck, occipital points around the head, upper back, elbows, lower back and SI joints, and the knees. 

Tender points can feel tenderized or bruised even if there is no actual "bruising" on the skin. 

Two of these tender points are located around the elbow area. 

Fibromyalgia Tender Points and Elbow pain

Fibromyalgia and elbow pain can exist together because of one of the most common factors, and that is the tender points (or as I call them, tender areas) around the elbow area. 

The pain or tenderness you may feel around the elbow might wax and wane. You might feel it more if you have pain in other areas of the arm, or you might just feel it randomly. 

The tender areas do not radiate pain like trigger points do, however, where we have any tender points, there can be trigger points close or surrounding them, so I like to say that the tender points and trigger points can "interplay" 

Fibromyalgia and Elbow Joint Pain 

Along with tender points around the elbow, we might also experience pain in the joint.

Some people will notice arthritis type of pain, while others might have stiffness or hyper mobility issues. 

These kind of symptoms can also present with a distortion of sorts around the elbow. It may appear that the joint stands out a little more, possibly making it more vulnerable. 

It is an easy area to accidentally hit, while doing things like cleaning or getting into or out of a car. 

It is possible for the elbow area to be more vulnerable to surrounding areas like the forearm.

If you have ever had any carpal tunnel issues, you can read more here about Fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Compression for Fibromyalgia and Elbow pain

We utilize compression wear for many parts of the fibro body, because it promotes healthy blood flow and circulation. We use compression for the legs, arms and even the abdomen (especially good after a surgery for instance) 

Compression wear is very popular today, but sometimes people with fibromyalgia will shy away because they didn't get the right fit or they haven't experienced the benefits. 

Every part of the arm needs good blood flow and sometimes the area around the upper arm, and under arm can receive less blood flow, also affecting surrounding areas like the elbow. 

You might check out the compression device shown below. I use compression for arms, legs, abdomen, and feet. Compression sleeves or wraps should never feel tight or constrictive. 

The idea behind compression is to increase circulation and blood flow. That is something we can all benefit from. 

Weakness around the elbow area

Tender points, trigger points, pain, and symptoms around the elbow can lead to weakness. We want to avoid that by implementing some proper movement for fibromyalgia every day. 

My fitness page is specifically for those of us with fibromyalgia and its primary co-conditions. Visit the fitness page, Fibro Fit People anytime, and the VIDEO section of that page for arm exercises. 

As a practitioner and trainer specializing in fibromyalgia, and living with it over four decades, I certainly understand the complexity. I also live with and understand the co-conditions CFS/ME and MCS. 
I have worked hard over many years to help us all live the best quality of life possible. No false cures. 
Lisa. CT,  PT 

Related Articles:
Fibromyalgia and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 
Fibromyalgia and Shoulder pain
Fibromyalgia and clavicle pain 

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