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The Importance of B12 in Fibromyalgia 

Have you experimented with various forms of B12 ? 

We know that B12 is essential for so many functions in the body. The issue becomes getting the best, most bio-available form that we can actually feel working for us. 

Do you remember the days of B12 injections? Maybe you are still getting them. 

I did that at one point (not fun or convenient) and then experimented with various forms of B12 until I found the very best.  We avoid the inferior forms of B12 and even ones you may already be using.

We want to use the best, especially with methylation issues. This B12 is different than even the often recommended methylated forms. 

Because I have lived with fibromyalgia and it's co-conditions a very long time, I know how symptoms can affect well-being. I believe that we must address any deficiency as well.

As a practitioner specializing in fibromyalgia, I know that deficiencies are just one part, but when they are missed, this can exacerbate symptoms. 

B12 and its many functions for the body
and fibromyalgia

From the formation of red blood cells to neurological and endocrine support, the proper form of B12 can make a difference in how we feel and how we function every day. 

I've personally found the proper form of B12 to be one of the most important vitamins for energy support (mitochondria) and nerve support. This particular form of B12 below is very different and better for nerve and mitochondrial support. 

Many of us also have issues with our endocrine system, namely the thyroid, and B12 is essential for a healthy thyroid. 

  • Neurological Support
  • Cardiovascular Support
  • Energy and Mitochondria Support
  • Memory 
  • Balance 

Our Favorite B12 supplement

Foods that supply B12 

The foods that naturally supply the most B12 are animal sources. If you are vegan, it will be much more challenging to get B12 from your food in the adequate amounts and supplementation will be key. 

Below are a few of the foods highest in B12. 

  • Beef liver
  • Rainbow trout
  • Fortified Nutritional Yeast
  • Beef 
  • Cheese

Plant foods are not essential sources of B12 so it is even more important to supplement smarter if you are vegan. 

Fibromyalgia and well-being 

Due to the complexity of fibromyalgia, we want to be sure we are not missing essential nutrients that contribute to our overall well-being.

B12 is one of those. 

I still believe we need to start with a pure, additive free multi vitamin to create "synergy" for our nutrients. Then adding a few of the essentials like additional B12 (in the correct form) can really make a difference. The main supplement page detailing the multi vitamin can be found here 

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